BAC / Aerospatiale Concorde for X-Plane 8.60


X-Plane 8.60 verified

British Aircraft Corporation / Aerospatiale Concorde for X-Plane 8.60.
Release version 1.
Extensive updates are in production.
A guide is included for autopilot use in 8.60.
Extensively researched including the use of the real flight manual to produce an X-Plane which represents the looks and performance of the real Concorde supersonic transport.


Available in Air France livery at the moment.


Payware $15 Upgrade free to Concorde 840 / 850 owners


BUY NOW - purchase Concorde 8.50 to access 8.60

What you get: Access to download page containing alternative (BA or AF) Concorde 8.40 / 8.50 files each with Goodway compatible files included.
Instructions for downloading concorde 8.60 will then be sent by e-mail.

New Features for version 8.60 (in addition to 8.50 features)

Compatibility with X-Plane 8.60 features.
New translating visor and nose controlled by one lever in the correct sense. Visor follows nose as it should.
Nose features pitot tubes and AoA vanes.
Revised 3D cockpit with animated yokes, new panel objects and seats.
Retractable landing gear lights (in two pairs, with separate controls).
Full range of external lights in the correct positions.
Three dimensional landing gear bays.
Revised landing gear objects.

Features - click on an image to see a larger version

New nose and visor objects


Nose features pitot tubes and AoA vanes.

Nose and visor - new movement of visor


Visor translates into nose and remains with it during lowering and raising.

New external lights .


Full complement of taxi lights, retractable landing lights (in teo pairs), navigation lights, red beacon and white strobe lights.

New landing gear objects


Retract into three dimensional bays .

Three dimensional cockpit

3d panel

Improved virtual cockpit with animated yokes and redisigned panel and seats.

Night texture


Features - Click on an image to see a larger version


More updates coming soon

NEXT - engine nacelles featuring moving engine fan face, blow-in doors, spill doors and primary nozzles as well as the existing secondary nozzle animations

More Information

Check out for everything you ever wanted to know about concorde. Technical info, facts and figures, history and photos. It is such a good site it is not worth reproducing the information here. Its just a click away. Compare the X-Plane with photos of the real thing!

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