Convair B-58 Hustler


X-Plane 8.50

The Convair B-58 Hustler, the world's first supersonic nuclear bomber. Using information from the real flight manual and on-line sources, this x-plane B-58 has been developed to be as detailed and as accurate as it can be.

Accurate flight model based on real flight manual data.

Includes detailed manual for instruments plus text file for checklist use with weights and speeds.


View the enclosed manual here.


$10 all inclusive price



Please note: in X-Plane 8.60, there are differences in the use of the autopilot, and the fuel gauge for the weapons pod will not display its contents.



No fewer than 38 animations controlling the landing gear objects make the complex landing gear retract and extend correctly.
Cockpit object for 3D interior with natural perspective.
3D instrumentation.
Animated engine pods - nozzles expand and contract with power setting; engine spikes translate forward with Mach number.
Opening cockpit hatches with detailed interiors.
Full complement of weapons - MB-1 single pod, BLU2-B1 and BLU2-B2 two compnent pod, four MK43 bombs and 20mm cannon.
Accurate flight model based on real flight manual data.
Accurate reproduction of instrument panel including several custom instruments unique to the B-58.
Airfoils based on originals developed using DesignFoil software (in collaboration with Brian Moeller).
Night (LIT) textures.

The original airfoils (as described above) are included in a separate folder within the airfoils folder. You can use these in place of the default airfoils by substitution. This will give a less realistic, but easier flight performance. Be sure to make a copy of the default airfoils first, then place hte airfoils from the "original foils" folder in the "airfoils" folder.

Accurate flight model
38 detailed, fully-animated landing gear objects
gear retraction follows correct sequence
gear goingup
Retraction of landing gear into gear bay objects
Detailed instruments in cockpit view
3D cockpit
3D cockpit view with a natural perspective from first selection of 3D cockpit.
Engine nozzles in closed (low thrust) positions
Engine nozzles in open positions (top),
Engine spikes forward (bottom)
3d instruments
Instruments include custom AoA, BDH and Course indicators unique to the B-58. 3D instumentation on the main panel.
Full complement of weapons include the single component MB-1 pod as well as the two-component pod, four MK43 free-fall bombs and a 20mm cannon in the tail. Also fitted with CHAFF dispensers.
Night textured details.
20mm cannon firing test. BLU2-B1 upper bomb of the two-component pod may be carried alone.
hatches open
Hatches open to reveal details cockpit interiors
Hatches and landing gear detail
hatches open
Cockpit hatches up - use the speedbrake control in x-plane

click on an image to enlarge


History and details

An excellent site for hustler details can be found here.


my-planes || ©2007